Week 2 on The Carnivore Diet (My Version)

Ok, week two! A.K.A. the week of cravings! I was good in the first week. I was excited and focused! I thought that maybe I skirted the sugar cravings but oh no they came! I found myself craving some of my kids treats more at night. Before I started, I would get these cravings a lot in the evening and no matter how good I was during the day I just couldn’t control them a lot of the time. Enter guilt, shame and weight fluctuation…or bounce back. Well week two was the week for sugar withdraw but (and this is a big but) the cravings weren’t as bad or consistent as they normally are while eating carbs. At one point my wife brought some gourmet cookies home for the kids and after they went to bed I found myself with a pinch of one in my hand. I looked down at it for a few seconds and dropped it. Oh but I wanted to proceed to devour it and probably every other sweet I could find.

For those in the middle of the sugar cravings let me tell you they pass! Hold strong and drink some water/electrolytes. IT.WILL.PASS. I told myself, “no I’m doing this for a month.”

Okay, the weight update. So, when I started I was 230. During week two I dropped to 220 then bounced back up to 222. But, it’s all good. I know weight fluctuates. Plus I really enjoyed the simplicity of this way of eating so I tried not to let the scale bother me. I’m also keeping track of my was it measurement which helped because I was down an inch. So, while the scale may have bounced up a bit I could see (and feel) the progress in my measurements.

My takeaways:

Keep track of body measurements…not just the number on the scale

Sugar cravings will subside. Get my electrolytes in and stay hydrated to help fight those cravings

That’s it for week 2. Not a really long post or eventful week but I made some progress and racked up a few wins!