My Carnivore Diet Challenge

My Carnivore Diet Challenge
Carnivore Diet Challenge

I know there’s a good chance that at least some of you probably read the title of this entry and rolled their eyes. Another person jumping on the fad carnivore diet! And, you’re are very much entitled to any opinions you may have. But let me explain my side of the equation. I’m fully aware of fad diets and eating habits that aren’t sustainable. Starving yourself, only eating peanut butter, or the broccoli, rice and chicken diet. With the carnivore diet, I don’t think it’s a long-term diet for me completely. I want to incorporate, over time, some veggies and definitely some root vegetables into the diet in a strategic manner. That’s my longterm goal as far as the food side goes.

So, you may be asking why on earth am I doing this and I’ll tell you.

Reason 1: I’ve been stuck floating between 224 and 230 lbs for about 7 months of trying to get some movement in the right direction. This brings me to…

Reason 2: Cravings! I battle with incredible cravings for carbs and not the good kinds. I’m talking Goldfish crackers, cookies, and whatever else I could get a hold of after 7pm. I’d go a day or two…or maybe 5 days and them I’d break and binge. I want to be rid of those cravings as much as possible.

Reason 3: Asthma. I’ve heard for quite some time that the carnivore diet can help improve all sorts of conditions including asthma. After we had COVID over a year ago my asthma has been worse.

Reason 4: I’m a curious person by nature and wanted to see how it would feel to primarily eat meat for 30 days. What effect would it have on my body and mood? My workouts and sleep?

The 4 above reason are really the only things that got me interested in journeying down this path. Just for reference my starting weight is 228 lbs. I hope you follow along with me on this journey to see the results…good and bad. And, If you’ve done or are following a carnivore style diet let me know in the comments!